Make your lawn look as clean as the inside of your house

There are a few tricks to keeping the inside of a home clean, but there are also some tips you can use to keep the outside looking as nice as the inside. The lawn is the key part of the exterior of your house. Too often, people wait too long to mow the grass. Grass has a narrow sheath that the blades of grass grow out of, and if left too long that sheath grows longer. If you have waited too long to mow you have probably seen the spots of the lawn that look dead or dried out. You can also see this if you mow too low. The trick to get a tightly manicured lawn is to mow every two days. Cut no more than a half an inch below its current length. In an average week you should have mowed three times. Every week, drop the blade 1/4 of an inch, or one notch on your mower. You may still see spots that look scalped, but be patient and have faith, the grass will adjust!. Once you get to your lawn’s lowest mow-able height, just maintain it. You can find out the lowest height by searching the type of grass that you have. Bermuda can be mowed as low as 1/2 an inch, while others may only allow for 1 inch or 1 1/2 inches. As your grass adjusts to the maximum height it can grow, you can begin to think about fertilizer. Sure your grass is green, but you can get a uniform emerald green or a deep blue-green depending on your grass type if you fertilize. I recommend the granular fertilizer as opposed to the liquid kind. Make sure you follow the instructions on the packaging, as too much fertilizer can burn up your lawn. You want a fertilizer with a good nitrogen content, as that is the chemical which produces a healthy green color in the grass. Finally, edge the parts of your lawn that meet up against concrete. I used to use an edger, but you don’t need to buy one specifically for this task. As a matter of fact, I recently started using a weed eater, and I am much happier with the straight lines that it produces. Just be sure you use a weed eater with a straight neck instead of a bent neck, as it will make the task easier. What tips and tricks do you use on your lawn?